Tony Blair was the highlight of the congress this year. No doubt for his well known recognition as one of the best speakers in the world today. He spoke about the characteristics of our modern world today, the consequences and challenges as well as opportunities that lies ahead from the fast pace and constant changes the world has now evolved and will continue to. His speech was clear and concise. His expression of words were powerful and very influential. I also like the clarity and openness in his deliverance. The substance was very well delivered.
He injected several jokes in his speech too, which makes him seems to be a down to earth and friendly person. The Q&A part was awesome too, some questions were very bold and open, especially the one touches on asking him to offer his advice towards our country ministration and reform initiatives :) And the one that talks about his challenges on resolving the Israeli & Palestinian peace where he offered his service to help them build up their country economy and governing capacity.
After his service as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 2007, he launched his Tony Blair Faith Foundation in 2008 followed by the Faith and Globalization Initiative with Yale University in the USA, Durham University in the UK and National University of Singapore in Asia to deliver postgraduate programme in partnership with the Foundation. These initiatives is to bring hand in hand people from different faith and believes across the globe, who comes together learning and understanding the differences from each other and live well along among each other to achieve world peace. He mentioned that if one still thinks that his faith and religion is superior than the others, there cannot be world peace.
It's a very good point to ponder. Think about it, this happens even in our own circles of life among our families and friends. Imagine if such conflicts strike up and grew bigger... what would happen ? For me, my consciousness is my faith and believed. If I do good, it makes me feels good. If I did something bad, I surely feels bad about it. It's a matter if I choose to acknowledge or ignore . From time goes by, I have came to realize that no other believes or religions are superior than the others. All are there to teach us great stuff and it's all fascinating and amazing. And that I value and respect the others.
The part when he talks about the quality and value of each and every successful people that they have is that (i) they believed in what they are doing, (ii) the reason of doing it is bigger than only for themselves but also for the benefit of others and that (iii) optimism plays a vital role to sustain till the end, without ever giving up what you believed in. Very sensibly said.
He also talks about the success of today world economy comes interdependent from every countries and parties across the globe, and that the government body has to work hand in hand together with the private sectors, not by setting up controlling system but more to engagement and partnership and he supported the idea of leading the world to an open market trading economy system.
It was very insightful and one of the best speeches I have ever heard. If there is a replay or web cast, I would highly recommend all of you to watch it!
I am interested in the response of growing religions, one of whose groth-drivers is the belief in correctness and value of their own above the rest. I buy his guts. That is the first one of the three leadership traits as well.
Hi Dolph,
Great summary of what you have learnt. I truly believe that we need to do things that are bigger than ourselves. When one's vision is big, people will naturally be attracted to you. This is because people tend to have a great desire to have purpose in their lives.
I wrote my thoughts and summary as well in http://www.deepimpactonline.com/blog
Kenneth Kwan
Public Speaker
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