it has been quite awhile ago since the last post or poem. was busy with the procedures of getting myself a cozy and inspired corner 'physically', apart from this one here! :)
had just watched 'the blind side' once again for the 5th TIME! it was still very inspiring to me.
and then i was reading masterwordsmith blog and stumble upon a post that she posted for the title that i am about to write now... that makes me start counting my blessing again :)
i suppose it will not come in a sequencing or structured manner, it will all be what i am thinking now... :)
you can share with me what's yours too ! i would love to hear from you on yours! :)
the best moment in life are...
1. when i do things together with my family (to the cinema for movie and eating ice cream together, open conversation where everyone express how they feel and tell what they think - this does not happen all the time in my family but when it does it really really feels good & just so bless)
2. at how mambo look at you through his innocent eyes and wonders his ears like trying to hear you speak
3. when i got to play with rosie or when she is tired and chose to lay beside me (obviously she does not always chose me because my dad, mum and youngest sister were her favorite!)
4. when my sisters and me talks secret without letting our parents know what we are up to
5. when i realized i made a mistake and i say sorry and break the silence
6. have value conversation with buddies over a meal or drinks
7. laugh out loud when i watch funny movies or comedian show or hearing my friends shared their funny stuff or i shared with them mine
8. listen to a song where it really touches your heart and you are actually with tears without realizing it... some of Yanni composition makes me feel that way
9. watched movies or read stories that truly inspired me
10. getting acknowledgments and compliments for all the hard work that i have done
11. when people come and tell me they enjoyed reading my poems and they thought it makes them feel happy or encouraged or inspired after they read it
12. are able to complete something after a tough and hard effort - conquered mount kk few months back!
13. receiving or giving someone special a beautiful kiss right from the bottom of my heart
14. receiving or giving tender loving care (tlc) to someone special (got to learn this vocab from dopey)
15. accidentally over heard someone said good things about me, which will put a smile in my heart
16. when i got to know my parents and family are proud of who i am
17. when i am able to share my thoughts on stage with other fellow students in my states and when i got to appear in the star newspaper for this, especially when i am so glad to have make my parents and teachers proud of me but most importantly i am able to overcome my fear of inferiority complex
18. feeling a buzz in me when i see someone special ?
19. hearing someone tells me 'I Love You' :)
20. laughing or smiling at myself
21. being happy for no reason, for just being happy
22. when that day i have seen the most beautiful smile i had ever seen on my dad face!
23. that my mum are being happy and had no worries with all her children because they are able to live a great life!
24. i am able to watch the blind side for once again! and the sister keeper last weekend!
25. when i always knew that god is always there for everyone of us! just if you can realized or feel his/her presence in you! :) we are all very bless by him/her in all ways, at all time, straight into our heart
26. when i see grandma unwrapping her birthday gift where we gave her on her birthday! she smiled all the way long when she is unwrapping her present... that was a very precious moment!
27. is okay to have big ears...
28. got to know my buddies for life had found the person who can make them smile from their heart! :) congrats once again!!! i am so so so happy and excited at the same time!
i got to stop for now and head to bed, tomorrow will be a long day for forecast. till then, and i shall promise it will not be long for the next one :)
good night... cheers!
snowflakes powder over my door step
ray of sunshine glimpse through my eye sight
enjoying the moment of my foot step
pleasant surprises are such a delight!
lots of pebbles in the stars
flying cheese balls you get in mars
icy juicy cranberries melted over your head
to make absolute wonders for your days ahead!
Happy Mothers Day :)
Unknown | Sunday, May 2, 2010 | Labels: Musical Notes Magical Thoughts, Thoughts
In conjunction with mothers day, parenthots column which is part of the star team has published the below article i have written online! I appreciate their thoughts and actions, which gave mum a surprise when she read it 'A mum's sacrifices are never forgotten'.
I remember mum used to made us healthy breakfast everyday, the milk I forced myself to gulp every morning, the bread for school break I thought it was bored and have attempt to throw it away but failed and ended up getting caught and canned hardly! Nevertheless I could remember weekend meals are all very interesting! Mum has that superb talent of inventing her own special recipes and it tasted really yummy!
I remember mum used to made us healthy breakfast everyday, the milk I forced myself to gulp every morning, the bread for school break I thought it was bored and have attempt to throw it away but failed and ended up getting caught and canned hardly! Nevertheless I could remember weekend meals are all very interesting! Mum has that superb talent of inventing her own special recipes and it tasted really yummy!
I remember mum always managed to get us nice dresses and shoes to go with and get us well presented at all occasions
I remember the times when I needed so badly someone to just be there for me, mum is there and she had always been, until today
I remember we are not used to worry about financial as the way I do now because mum and dad provided everything I need to have
Mum has aged gradually while I have grown older. Her dedication to the family is one of the best efforts I am not able to speak about still. There are no words that I could use to describe or explain to people the work that she has done for all of us at home...
She had done it all, her scarification for all of us is immeasurable in our everyday life, until today, without fail. I have not found the best way to speak about the great things my mum has done, because to me... that can only be shown from her action...
I would like to wish her Happy Mummy's Day and assured her that we have always loved her, and that will means forever and ever...
This song is to dedicate to her... all that you have done, we remember and will treasure and cherish it always...
To all mummy out there, Happy Mummy's Day to all of you too!
i put my hands together
i close my eyes to feel
i adore life with honor
all that happen is real
i read stories and shed tears
music makes my heart heals
i sleep while angels appears
all that happen is real
big bears give their hugs
protect the hurt from fear
help the weak to fight against their bugs
all that happen is real
follow the spirit in you
and sing the song you feel
you are the many in a few
that happens to be real...
my heart is where i think
my smile is where i go
time passed me by in a blink
like a wind which has just blow
i maybe afraid where life brings upon
my believe are the one who keeps me going
people say love is what brings it all on
the beauty of it has now starts beaming
after all these years it has been
i am standing right here
everything has now begin
for all to be cheer
when the nights are here
when my dreams start to grow
i can't believe this has been years
that has now bring this glow
everything is all possible
trust that we have wings to make us fly
miracles is not only a tale
it is our pride which will never lies
believed yourself and keep that believe going
continue to do all things that keep you moving
one day you will see all your dreams keep coming
it is because you never stop believing!
i feel happy, most of my time
and that brings me, utmost joy and happiness
i feel, upset and sad sometimes
at times when i feel alone, when there is no one to talk to
that is when, i found books my good friend in silence
i have, many wonderful friends
and i have learn, to cherish all my relationships
for all that they have been, they are awesome, being them
i love to write, it makes me smile and laugh
makes me feel, top of the world too
i like to share this, with all my family and friends
my passion & happiness that i have, to make them feel happy too
sometimes i do not know, why i am feeling excited about things
maybe happiness has no reason, for being just happy
sometimes when i feel, upset or sad
that is when i feel, i am being useless, for all my shortcomings
there is when i learn, to acknowledge my ugly truth and fear
learning to stand up on my feet
to change myself, to become better
yesterday, i have kept my memories that i have cherished
today, i have treasure it as my most precious gift of life
tomorrow, that is where my passion lies and grows
the beauty of life, lies in the beauty that i choose to see
the happiness with my family & friends, lies in the love i share
the inspiration of my passion, lies in my believe to smile
this is for her, that i have adore
this is for him, that i have admire
this is for all of you, that i have came to share
Tony Blair live in Malaysia @ 2010 National Achievers Congress
Unknown | Saturday, April 24, 2010 | Labels: Event
Tony Blair was the highlight of the congress this year. No doubt for his well known recognition as one of the best speakers in the world today. He spoke about the characteristics of our modern world today, the consequences and challenges as well as opportunities that lies ahead from the fast pace and constant changes the world has now evolved and will continue to. His speech was clear and concise. His expression of words were powerful and very influential. I also like the clarity and openness in his deliverance. The substance was very well delivered.
He injected several jokes in his speech too, which makes him seems to be a down to earth and friendly person. The Q&A part was awesome too, some questions were very bold and open, especially the one touches on asking him to offer his advice towards our country ministration and reform initiatives :) And the one that talks about his challenges on resolving the Israeli & Palestinian peace where he offered his service to help them build up their country economy and governing capacity.
He injected several jokes in his speech too, which makes him seems to be a down to earth and friendly person. The Q&A part was awesome too, some questions were very bold and open, especially the one touches on asking him to offer his advice towards our country ministration and reform initiatives :) And the one that talks about his challenges on resolving the Israeli & Palestinian peace where he offered his service to help them build up their country economy and governing capacity.
After his service as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 2007, he launched his Tony Blair Faith Foundation in 2008 followed by the Faith and Globalization Initiative with Yale University in the USA, Durham University in the UK and National University of Singapore in Asia to deliver postgraduate programme in partnership with the Foundation. These initiatives is to bring hand in hand people from different faith and believes across the globe, who comes together learning and understanding the differences from each other and live well along among each other to achieve world peace. He mentioned that if one still thinks that his faith and religion is superior than the others, there cannot be world peace.
It's a very good point to ponder. Think about it, this happens even in our own circles of life among our families and friends. Imagine if such conflicts strike up and grew bigger... what would happen ? For me, my consciousness is my faith and believed. If I do good, it makes me feels good. If I did something bad, I surely feels bad about it. It's a matter if I choose to acknowledge or ignore . From time goes by, I have came to realize that no other believes or religions are superior than the others. All are there to teach us great stuff and it's all fascinating and amazing. And that I value and respect the others.
It's a very good point to ponder. Think about it, this happens even in our own circles of life among our families and friends. Imagine if such conflicts strike up and grew bigger... what would happen ? For me, my consciousness is my faith and believed. If I do good, it makes me feels good. If I did something bad, I surely feels bad about it. It's a matter if I choose to acknowledge or ignore . From time goes by, I have came to realize that no other believes or religions are superior than the others. All are there to teach us great stuff and it's all fascinating and amazing. And that I value and respect the others.
The part when he talks about the quality and value of each and every successful people that they have is that (i) they believed in what they are doing, (ii) the reason of doing it is bigger than only for themselves but also for the benefit of others and that (iii) optimism plays a vital role to sustain till the end, without ever giving up what you believed in. Very sensibly said.
He also talks about the success of today world economy comes interdependent from every countries and parties across the globe, and that the government body has to work hand in hand together with the private sectors, not by setting up controlling system but more to engagement and partnership and he supported the idea of leading the world to an open market trading economy system.
It was very insightful and one of the best speeches I have ever heard. If there is a replay or web cast, I would highly recommend all of you to watch it!
mission accomplished: the highest in Southeast Asia @ 4,095meters above sea level
Unknown | Sunday, April 18, 2010 | Labels: Places
she is Mt. kk, 4095 meters (13,435 ft) above sea level.
to me, it was not easy at all, and i did not feel excited the moment i reach the peak because there is still another 8.7km to hike all the way down. i was unsure if it is an altitude problem which causes me to throw out all that i have consumed but definitely it was really not an easy task to be on an empty stomach along such journey. i really felt so glad that i have manage to complete it.
i still feel flabbergasted about the whole thing. it was really worth all the hard work of sustaining until the end. i was happy about it, to actually made it to the top...
thanks to all my family & friends for their support especially my cousin who join me despite the fact that i am moving as slow as a tortoise! (:
p/s: i will be posting on the details of the itinerary, contacts and a summary of our group and individual expenses report to share with all of you, if you will be planning on such expedition in the future , this can be a good reference. (:
we are on a yellow brick road
i am beginning to see our hope
all the steps that we took
they are not for moot
people who have pass us by
we smile and waive goodbye
knowing that the road is nigh
we will rendezvous at half past five!
(a collaboration poem together with Dolph's cousin)
my leg is aching
and i am panting
the sun is hiding
the road is winding
and we are still climbing
at 4.5
like a journey in our life
like a journey in our life
our spirit still stay high
every step we take
seems more like a trial
my stomach starts to growl
the wind begins to howl
my knee starts to swell
our body starts to smell
the journey seems to be getting steeper
but i am no quitter
although we may take a little longer
our destination is definitely nearer
(a collaboration poem together with dolph's cousin)
is just there
over the land of somewhere
walk a little more to see more
you will be adore
hope is nothing less
you will surely be bless
i have a mission, that is to complete.
also, to view the beauty of nature,
another side of God's amazing creation. :)
i do hope i will enjoy! :)
oh mine, no more days to-go, 0 Mississippi it is... :P
my friend wrote a poem called words, it was lovely and i can't agree more that words can hurt and heal at the same time whichever you choose to say it.
i saw a friend tag line which says: it's a beautiful day and a lovely night. it makes me stop and feel the beauty of every second i could have. i feel good and so bless as i have counted my blessings.
i will continue to do my best for what i want, one at a time. no hurry, be patience. i believed everyone has their moment to come. continue to work hard and have fun and prepare for that moment to surprise us.
by the way, i supposed every now is a moment too, if we could recognize, it only take a moment to do so : )
hippo & turtle counting their blessings
Unknown | Saturday, April 10, 2010 | Labels: Poems, Thoughts
the hippo may have blurted with some hiccups
the turtle may thought he is still not there
suddenly they stop, counting the blessings they have in their cup
and when they look up, they start to smile in the air
You may think you have challenges, but you have so many blessings too. Sometimes it takes only a moment of conscious effort to recognize those blessings. Once you focus on the gifts instead of the problems, your whole perspective will change and you will see blessings everywhere :)
i look at the mirror, i thought so i am getting old
i barely recognize the glimmer, and that my age was untold
i may have dash through without knowing, that time has now reveal
i may have known this could be aging, and if i would feel surreal
i have been getting older & older ......
i have been getting older & older ......
i may have outgrown from time, and have reap some from the wise
i could have been here for a lifetime, looking for that something or someone in clockwise
i may have found all that i could, i believed beauty lies everywhere that can be seen
life is really good, for all that i have been
i have been getting older & older ...
i have been getting older & older ...
time have tell my age, i share with you all my grace
i have filled my life with wonders of page, my story lies at all place
oh mine, i really have been really getting older & older ...
a silent moment to be idle
Unknown | Saturday, April 3, 2010 | Labels: Musical Notes Magical Thoughts, Poems
in a silent night
canon D makes it even more serene
clouds of thoughts floating in the air of space
following every expression of the melody
mind became empty
drifting away with the harmony
this is the time to become idle
moving into a moment of peace
It was Good Friday. A good movie for the cozy night before head to bed for a good rest.
It was based on a true story of the faithful dog Hachiko. In 1924, Hachiko was brought to Tokyo by his owner, Hidesaburo Ueno, a professor in the agriculture department at the University of Tokyo. During his owner's life Hachiko saw him out from the front door and greeted him at the end of the day at the nearby Shibuya Station. The pair continued their daily routine until May 1925, when Professor Ueno did not return on the usual train one evening. The professor had suffered a stroke at the university that day. He died and never returned to the train station where his friend was waiting.
Hachiko was given away after his master's death, but he routinely escaped, showing up again and again at his old home. Eventually, Hachikō apparently realized that Professor Ueno no longer lived at the house. So he went to look for his master at the train station where he had accompanied him so many times before. Each day, Hachiko waited for Professor Ueno to return. And each day he did not see his friend among the commuters at the station.
The permanent fixture at the train station that was Hachiko attracted the attention of other commuters. Many of the people who frequented the Shibuya train station had seen Hachiko and Professor Ueno together each day. They brought Hachiko treats and food to nourish him during his wait.
This continued for nine years, with Hachiko appearing only in the evening time, precisely when the train was due at the station.
Hachiko died on a street in Shibuya on Mar 8, 1935. His stuffed and mounted remains are kept at the National Science Museum of Japan in Ueno, Tokyo.
In April 1934, a bronze statue in his likeness was erected at Shibuya StationHachiko himself was present at its unveiling. The statue was recycled for the war effort during World War II. In 1948 The Society for Recreating the Hachiko Statue commissioned Takeshi Ando, son of the original artist who had since died, to make a second statue. The new statue, which was erected in August 1948, still stands and is an extremely popular meeting spot. The station entrance near this statue is named "Hachiko-guchi", meaning "The Hachiko Exit", and is one of Shibuya Station's five exits.
enjoyed a good book on my ride back home to Penang over the weekend - 'Have a Little Faith' by Mitch Albom. Can't wait for paperback, but the hardcover has 20% discount too! :) Not the best book I've ever read, but it was definitely a good read as it gets me continue flipping the pages.
Have a Little Faith: A True Story
Have a Little Faith: A True Story
went cheng meng. help dad to clean up our great grand parents graveyard. glad we went. on the other side, grand dad was wise enough to have his cremated. clean and easy to manage. i still remember he says that he don't want to trouble his grand and great grand children to be in the hot sun during cheng meng in the future. awesome guy, know many languages as he works as an interpreter in the court, i thought it was pretty cool that grand dad work in such a profession! :P
mum made pizza and spaghetti! it was really yummy as usual. she loves to cook for the family, don't mind spending hours in the kitchen, her heavenly home. i really thought she has great talent in recipes and making them lovely.
watched 'the blind side' for 3 times over the weekend! it was THAT GOOD. trust me, it truly was. Sandra Bullock very well deserved her Oscar! A story of Michael Oher, an American Footballer. Not easy to stumble upon a good movie these days, this is no doubt one of the very good ones! :)
The Blind Side
The Blind Side
It was my last year-end plan to visit Singapore Zoo (ranked one of the best zoo in the world by Forbes, and I thought this is a good start, cos is the nearest to Malaysia! But without realizing, it clashes with the year end closure period, I got to canceled the hostel I booked, I may have been too excited to book it before checking my schedules. :P
I stayed at my ex-boss place at Bishan together with his family. We went to the Zoo as plan on Saturday morning. It was a wet tour as the downpour didn't stop, but we were glad we went too! :) Not only that I like animals, I thought touring the Zoo was educational too. I really thought that animals are amazing. :) And it was surely a nice outing despite the fact I don't get such fresh air often, we normally surrounds by office buildings, laptop screens, spreadsheets...
After a shower and a little rest, I hopped into the MRT and my first stop was Somerset, went to 313 for some shopping! In fact some of the mid tier brands clothing, you can actually get it much cheaper compared to Malaysia especially during sales. Example: I bought a short and long sleeves formal wear blouse from G2000 at SGD13 = MYR30 each. Charles & Keith has more varieties of handbags and shoes (maybe because it is from Singapore), don't normally get to see much choices in Malaysia.
Walk back upward to Orchard, stop by Food Republic for dinner with a friend. It was a nice stroll along the stretch of roads. Hopped into the MRT and stop at City Hall , walk down towards Waterfront Park and the Esplanade Hall. So happened there was MOSAIC Musical Festival 2010 , indulged myself with the awesome music performance for the evening :)

The night was still early, went to watch 'How To Train Your Dragon 3D' at Junction8. The movie was funny and touchy. It made me laugh at the same time shed some tears. Took a cab back home. Felt very safe though it was close to midnight to have actually took a cab back home by myself. I will never ever dare to if it is here in my home country. Too bad. Well, it is rather a sad fact huh.
I got up the next morning, hit to Junction8 after a nice homemade breakfast. Visited the library and watched another movie again, 'The Book of Eli' :P Watch it and you will know what is called 'faith'. After movie, had lunch with an ex-colleague then head back home.
Took the 5pm First Coach back to KL. Not only I wanted to thank Alex Tham & his family for the superb & warm hospitality, also through him and his family, I see it once again what's a simple yet happy family we all could have. :) He has a beautiful wife with 3 awesome kids: Sarah, Luke & Sandra. They were all very loving and caring. :)
It was a simple yet rewarding weekend. I remember mum once said: seeing new places and meeting new people is a source of experimental learning. I just had one over the weekend! (though it may seems a little silly to have paid double the price to watch the 2 movies, haha)
I will surely make another weekend trip soon again, and also to catch up with my primary school best buddy! Misses the chance to meet up with her this trip.
I will surely make another weekend trip soon again, and also to catch up with my primary school best buddy! Misses the chance to meet up with her this trip.
Here is the summary :) Enjoy !
I know number 1,2,4,5 and 6 works very well for me especially 6 and 7 ! Not sure about number 3 for berries, maybe this coming quarter close can try to munch berries instead !
1. Take more restrooms break
Inhale deeply and focus on your breathing, you will emerge calmer.
2. Show Up 5 Minutes Early
Give yourself extra time at all times. Being an early bird can kill stress.3. Replenish your snacks to Berries and Pistachios
Berries is rich in vit C, helps fight increased of crotisol, a stress hormone. Pistachios can lower your blood pressure.4. Quit Stress Drinking
Alcohol prevents your brain entering to stages of deep sleep and lack of sleep leads to further stress.
5. Exercise
A good workout increases level of "feel-good" chemicals called endorphins.
6. Watch Russell Peter
Laughter can reduce levels of stress hormone.
7. Talk more crap and LOL with family and friends
Socializing releases oxytocin, a chemical that help combat stress hormones and lower blood pressure.
some place, someday
123 the pig counts
worms turn red violet when they crawl
Jack Russell in sandy brown with baby blue spots
lines of mugs in store painted in lavender blush
bushes of colorful mushrooms
wonderland in sunset for all the best people around
wonderland in sunset for all the best people around
BEST PEOPLE just like YOU!
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