just for fun ...
i am gonna tell you...
*drum roll*
the cycles comes every month
first week is to run numbers every day
the numbers of today
may not be the numbers for tomorrow
the numbers for tomorrow
may not be the closure numbers for the month
the numbers for the closure of the month
will only be by the 7th day of the week
but you will still need to run the numbers every day
to ensure all numbers are in
and those who are suppose to be kick out
this will sometimes drives you nuts
for the entire week
and this is only the end of of the first week
second week will be even more awesomely crazier
i learn building bridges within a turn around of a day
all kinds of bridges to ensure the gap in between
can be 'articulated' and smoothen over
and if 'the bosses' have different directions
here and there or now and forever
they ask you to demolish the bridge
and rebuild a new one
again i learn to demolish and rebuild a new bridge
within a turn around of another day
imagine this routines runs every cycle of the month
you can either love it so much or this really sucks for you
choose to experience this if you think
this sounds crazy yet fascinating
here i am telling you basic stuff of
being a financial analyst/advisory/consultant...
*drum roll*

so true, although i do hope that my boss would not ask me to demolish the bridge and reconstruct it again =P
OMG you are also in the financial sector ???!!! this is so cool ! No wonder you are so busy too !
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