This post is for Oscar the Grouch. He asked why I did not post anything on such a tremendous roller coaster ride. So I figure out to pen down several items that I can think of.
Okay, maybe lets start with: YES OMG, its finally OVER ! At least for this piece, I know there is another awesomely crazy round coming but YES it is done for the year ! A new book is now ahead of us to start fresh.
During this closure period, I have discovered another new talent about myself (other than copy n paste). I am impressed myself, as well as Bubbles ! The fact that I am able to take only 15 mins from the time I wake up till I reached office ! Exactly 15 mins !
Bubbles commented on the share market board:
P/s: Wendy did not wash her hair today. Please hold your breath !
Mr. Parker & I wrote something about J:
J is grumpy, like a granny, a granny with a smiley, and she is awesomely crazy...
Dopey may be overwhelmed or she had gone crazy:
Dopey called herself Dopey when she is actually looking at Dolph -___-
JS confessed to Dolph in Red:
J said: Please come to the room now. Need to practice first.
Dolph asked: Need to bring KY ?
J said: I don't need KY.
This reminded us of Oscar the Grouch wet story from J diary...
From a serious thought perspective:
Do not need to think that you are the only one who can solve problems, neither that you may think that you are not able to solve any problems and are not doing a good job.
A big success comes when everyone contributed their best effort. This is the power of 'team discipline', 'collaboration' and 'personal leadership', especially to me this closure shows me the power of collaboration. (:
Oh gosh, I accidentally applied TOP. Reminds me of:
When he say: Hey Hey. I should say: Ho Ho
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