There is no fear, embarrassment, regrets or mistakes. There is love, courage, learning, and fine experiences. This universe is filled with joy and happiness as we want it to be. It is our attitude which makes the difference on the things that we perceived in life.
I am amused on how amazing our perception and thoughts can be. We destined our own life, through the way we think. It is important to always set our thoughts right.
Things can be seen in horrible exhaustion or a miraculous event. Life experiences can be view as a painful process or an exciting route of magnificent discoveries.
Choose to be the person we want to be with full of joy, and lead the life we always dream off ! Don’t be afraid to dream big. All dream is possible to achieve if we think they are. ;)
I can remember this always, Budhha once quoted: All that we are is the result of what we have thought. Indeed a great saying !
Written on Nov 4, 2007
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