There is no so called “Right” or “Wrong”, it is just merely experiences to let us know what we truly want within ourself. If not:
- How would we differentiate “Right” if there is no so called “Wrong” doing before ?
- How do we cherish happiness if we do not experience sadness before ?
- How do we know we like sweet if we did not tasted bitter before ?
- How do we know if we like or don’t like being hangover if we did not get drunk before ?
There is still more to the list ! We need either side to tell us the other side. So, why not just go all the way out to experience all that we can whichever our heart tells us to ! Afterall, there is nothing to lose… yet everything to gain…
Hence, do not ever judge ourself and others ! We all have equal potential to create all that we ever dream off in our very own way. There is nothing wrong with any decision we made. If we find out we do not fancy the choice we made, just let go and choose again ! As easy as ABC…
Just CHOOSE, CREATE & BELIEVED & you will have all the things you ever wanted and wish for !
Doesn’t it sounds exciting ?! I think it surely does ;)
Written on Dec 14, 2008
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