My brain is malfunctioned at this moment. This post is just for fun.
I have just scribbled 20 things that I thought can cheer me up (:
1. Write funny stuff and poems that rhymes haha
2. Go kacau my friends and talk crap with them and make them laugh
3. Think of funny character names for my friends
4. Watch Russell Peters makes me laugh out loud (Chinese:34.50!!!)
5. Listen to music
6. Call my sister
7. Go eat nice food with friends who can eat more than me
8. Go kacau my uncle or aunty and make them laugh
9. Watch funny series
10. Talk to God and ask him question where other people can't tell me
11. Give names to my pillow or bolster
12. Go to sleep and dream of lots of sheep haha
13. Drink nice coffee
14. Play with my doggies:
run around with them, box them and cuddle them
15. Read Conversation and Friendship with God
16. Hug mum and dad
17. Talk funny craps to people like:
bubbles, dopey, jS, J, mr. Parker, Oscar the Grouch, Gosama
18. Eat steamboat
19. Family & friends come & tell me they read my blog and writings
20. If one day people pay me to write
i just made you happy by doing no.19 =D
You just did ! :D
thank uuu very muchiee June ! ;)
J:Lets go eat steamboat at DV on tmr nite
J - whoppy ! your tmrw nite is our tonight ?!
I give names to my soft toys....mostly doggies !
what name do you have for your doggies soft toy? he he. i have one pillow name 'hello'
i'm just another one who make u happy by doing 19 too.. =)
thank you so much, AY ;)
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