dreams gets vague
wishes gets indistinct
mind became anesthetized
the heart exploded
the explosion, a candle was light
the candle light up the others
rays of light revolves to forces of energy
transcend into a state of bliss
a cozy and inspired corner
Dolph loves to write. Danielle Steel was one of her favorite. She has now started writing her own poems and short stories.
Dolph loves people & music, she thought they gave her lots of inspiration.
Dolph can be reluctant to shower. Bubbles and Jackie knew.
Dolph have all the blessings she could have:
the love and support from her family
mr. mambo & hyper lil rosie to accompany her mum & dad while she is away
great friends & colleagues to cherish forever
a career she could have fun with, at times crazily awesome
a happy & cozy inspiration corner she can now share with
a special thanks to google images and photobucket media for the fantastic pictures where i picked from
Hi,Wendy!Cool Page you have here.Love your poem.Very precise.Sometimes my thoughts are so vague too,i can't focus,haha.
Goodluck and hope to see you on my blog again.TAKE CARE!!
he he. everyday i at least click you blog once ! :D you can count me in as your dedicated reader d ! looking forward for your new masterpiece ! i like reading your poem.
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