Stepping out on a rainy street.
Hopping around in tune of this music.
Enjoying every moment of the beat.
Playing joyfully in bliss : )
Written on Dec 2, 2008
(inspiration source: from the music stepping on the rainy street)
a cozy and inspired corner
Unknown | Thursday, January 7, 2010 | Labels: Musical Notes Magical Thoughts
Dolph loves to write. Danielle Steel was one of her favorite. She has now started writing her own poems and short stories.
Dolph loves people & music, she thought they gave her lots of inspiration.
Dolph can be reluctant to shower. Bubbles and Jackie knew.
Dolph have all the blessings she could have:
the love and support from her family
mr. mambo & hyper lil rosie to accompany her mum & dad while she is away
great friends & colleagues to cherish forever
a career she could have fun with, at times crazily awesome
a happy & cozy inspiration corner she can now share with
a special thanks to google images and photobucket media for the fantastic pictures where i picked from
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