i am thankful
i am thankful
i am thankful
my gratitude moment i entreat in silence
i am so very thankful that:
i am still in good health so that I can still take care of others
my parents are in good health and they are still smiling
2 lovely sisters, whom we cared for each other very much, we squabble once in a while but we apologized instantly right at the very moment too haha, funny especially this happen to me and wen wen, wen yih is a distance away for this to happen now =P
2 wonderful pets in our family who have become our great companion especially to mum and dad while i have stayed a distance away
i am surrounded with very caring relatives and cousins
i have a stable and promising career where i enjoyed most of my time, where i have developed myself a lot
not to mention the crazy moments which i need to stay up late at work, there is when i have a group of wonderful team mates to share these moments with
i am very privileged i am able to help the unfortunate to a little extent
i am able to write a little, to play the organ and the piano a little
i am able to listen to our world brilliant composition
i have created a cozy and inspired corner, it’s going to be a channel to share lots of happiness and fun with my family, friends and other readers
i am surrounded with lots of great friends
i am also surrounded with great people who always inspire me
may our today glow with cheers and happiness and may we unfold this radiance to as many people as we could
hello there, 2010 ! :)
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